Definition: “Hotel” means a building or group of buildings that offer food and beverage, providing breakfast, lunch and dinner, bar/lounge room service, banquet meeting facilities, laundry services and parking, and retail services. The premises must contain a minimum of five (5) bedrooms.
(Each with a private toilet and bath/shower).
- Approved architectural plans from the Physical Planning Division ( In case of physical plant expansion)
- Copy of land registration certificate with survey plans or a copy of a registered lease agreement of at least three (3) years.
- Proof of approval of funding from the financial institution.
- Copy of financial statements.
The enterprise must be in compliance with:
- The requirements of the Dominica Tourism Regulations and Standards Act No. 19 of 2005.
- Tax requirements administered by the Inland Revenue Division
- Social Security requirements administered by the Dominica Social Security
- Business registration requirements administered by the Companies and Intellectual Property Office
- Health requirements administered by the Environmental Health Unit
- Any other requirements as per the Laws of the Commonwealth of Dominica